Monday 16 December 2013

Winter Fun!

Winter has arrived.  The children LOVE to play out in the snow.  Please consider sending an extra pair of mittens and socks.  Our hallways get quite wet....
Rosy cheeks, warms hands and feet make for more fun when exploring and playing in the snow.

Happy Birthday Jesus!

The children celebrated Christmas today with a birthday party for Jesus.
We heard stories about the Nativity, opened a gift from God and played games in the gym.
We gobbled up delicious pancakes, fruit and juice.  Our birthday cake was beautiful and YUMMY!
Each child went home with a party bag and heart filled with anticipation and joy for Christmas Day!


Friday 6 December 2013

IPAD Friday's

Recently the school has been set up for wireless internet.  As a result, on Friday afternoons, the Kindergarten children have the option to play and learn through the tool of the IPAD within the Kindergarten classroom.  They are quite excited to pursue this new learning opportunity.  The children are learning with Apps that focus on early reading and mathematic skill development. They demonstrate strong computer skills and the photos below show the high level of engagement in a 21st century learning opportunity.