Monday 23 June 2014

Fun in The Sun

The children and I had a wonderful year playing, learning and growing together.
They are ready for the next step in their elementary education.

I am confident these young learners will continue on life's journey,  joyfully experiencing new adventures and sharing the gifts that God has placed in their hearts.

Warmest wishes for a summer filled with sun and the joy of exploringinvestigating and
God's blessings!

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Our Classroom Garden

The children harvested the lettuce from our classroom garden.  After smelling it and giving a thorough review... They declared, "This is the BEST lettuce ever!"

Maria harvested a bean from the plant we began growing in the classroom.  
You are a very good farmer Maria!

Our Field Trip to Buon Giorno

We had a fantastic time on our field trip!
The children enjoyed their special lunch.
Special thanks go out to the Tessier Family and the
people at Buon Giorno for hosting the event.

Please review our slide show to see us in action.

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Healthy and Active Living

God's special gift...US!

The children know we need to take care of ourselves and so the learning adventure starts.

We are learning to be aware of healthy practices and our own well being. 

The children planted a salad garden in the classroom and water our growing plants.
We have read stories about healthy eating, discussed healthy food choices, and sorted food.
The children went shopping in the local grocery store advertisements and cut out pictures of healthy food to put in our Learning Logs.

We are learning about the importance of personal hygiene and cleaning our hands.

Check out the clip below and then check out our pictures of us doing the same investigation!

Hand Washing with Sid the Science Kid - YouTube

It's fun getting our hands dirty!

The paper towel did not do a good job.  My hands are still dirty.

I need to sing the ABC song and scrub my hands to get them nice and clean.

My hands are good and soapy!

Now my hands look clean!

Recording our observations.

We are learning ways to keep our bodies healthy by exercising and developing our muscles.

Gianna's mom visited our gym class and helped us learn some great yoga moves.  
Look below for a glimpse into our yoga class.
Special thanks go out to Mrs. Sirizzotti - We had an extraordinary time! 

We learned how to breathe the yoga way.
Cat pose
Downward Dog
Arrow Pose
Warrior Pose
Jayvin's made up yoga pose - The Chia Pose

Lion Pose

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Ojibway in the SPRING!

The children enjoyed a repeat visit to Ojibway and studied the park looking for signs of spring.  We saw birds, buds on trees, bugs crawling, spring flowers, and we even got rained upon... (just a little).
A spring thunderstorm interrupted our hike and we returned to the centre for a "Creature Feature" and a scavenger hunt.
Check out the photos below capturing some highlights from our visit.
Special thanks to all the parents who joined in the fun!
Bird watching.
Ask your child what the Cat bird says.

We are listening to a talk from the Naturalist. 

A sign of spring.

We are on our hike.


Can you see the
woodpecker holes on the tree?

Working on our scavenger hunt.

On our way back to the centre.

We met Foxy the Fox Snake.  She was friendly.  She stuck out her tongue to smell us.


Below is  a link to a song that the children have enjoyed singing as we celebrate and remember that with the gift of our earth comes the responsibilitity to care for it!

Monday 5 May 2014

We've Moved!

The children were quite excited about moving classrooms.  Initially, I didn't quite share their enthusiasm, but was given quite a boost when I heard them chatting amongst each other.

"This is going to be awesome."
"Our new classroom is cool!"
"Can we help move?"
"I can't wait to be in our new room!"

The children were fantastic movers!
We spent our first day in the new space midst; a Mass for Education Week, a fire-drill and adjusting to full-time play in the primary school yard.  The children are learning our new routines and demonstrate wonderful resilience!

Here are some photos of our classroom ...then and now...

Wednesday 23 April 2014

A New Life Celebration

Upon returning from our Easter weekends, we celebrated with a new life celebration.

We thanked God for the new life we see blooming around us and for the gift of Jesus.

New Life Prayer
Lord bless everything that grows,
Flowers, Grass and Trees,
Tadpoles, Caterpillars,
Baby Birds, Small Fuzzy Animals and ME!

Please see a few photos from our thoughtful young learners below.

What could be in here?
It's Jesus!


He looks like a butterfly!

He doesn't look sad anymore!

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Shapes and Figures

We have been learning about 2D shapes and 3D figures.
  • We can name and describe 2D shapes and 3D figures.
  • We can sort and compare 2D shapes and 3D figures.
  • We can see 2D shapes as part of 3D figures.
  • We can build structures and make pictures using 2D shapes and 3D figures.

A favourite part of their learning included listening to the song 3D Shapes I Know. Clicking on this link to enjoy this fun learning song with your child.

How many flat and fat shapes can your child find at home?

Take a peak inside the classroom to see how the children have investigated, explored and deepened their understanding of the geometry strand in mathematics.

Creating things with 2D shapes. 
         Exploring with the geo-board. 
Four squares and a pentagon!

2D shapes with toothpicks and marshmallows 

Building with solids and curved edges.
Fun exploring with stacking.
Fat or Flat?

Do these solids roll or slide?