Wednesday 23 April 2014

A New Life Celebration

Upon returning from our Easter weekends, we celebrated with a new life celebration.

We thanked God for the new life we see blooming around us and for the gift of Jesus.

New Life Prayer
Lord bless everything that grows,
Flowers, Grass and Trees,
Tadpoles, Caterpillars,
Baby Birds, Small Fuzzy Animals and ME!

Please see a few photos from our thoughtful young learners below.

What could be in here?
It's Jesus!


He looks like a butterfly!

He doesn't look sad anymore!

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Shapes and Figures

We have been learning about 2D shapes and 3D figures.
  • We can name and describe 2D shapes and 3D figures.
  • We can sort and compare 2D shapes and 3D figures.
  • We can see 2D shapes as part of 3D figures.
  • We can build structures and make pictures using 2D shapes and 3D figures.

A favourite part of their learning included listening to the song 3D Shapes I Know. Clicking on this link to enjoy this fun learning song with your child.

How many flat and fat shapes can your child find at home?

Take a peak inside the classroom to see how the children have investigated, explored and deepened their understanding of the geometry strand in mathematics.

Creating things with 2D shapes. 
         Exploring with the geo-board. 
Four squares and a pentagon!

2D shapes with toothpicks and marshmallows 

Building with solids and curved edges.
Fun exploring with stacking.
Fat or Flat?

Do these solids roll or slide?